Combatti nello Spazio

Piccolo aggiornamento ora scegliendo il Player avremo 2 modi diversi di giocare, prova il migliore per te 

Tocca lo schermo o tieni premuto il tasto sinistro del mouse per muovere il Player

Tocca sulle icone Proiettile o scudo per attivare gli aiuti se disponibili

Tastiera clicca su Z e X per sparare i proiettili Giganti o spazio per attivare lo scudo


Small update now by choosing the Player we will have 2 different ways to play, try the best one for you

Touch the screen or hold down the left mouse button to move the Player

Touch on the Bullet or Shield icons to activate aids if available

Keyboard click on Z and X to fire the Giant or space bullets to activate the shield

Development log


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The game is nice and promising, considering that is still a work in progress it's not bad at all.

Keep working on it, I am sure you will improve it a lot ;-)


Thanks, I will definitely do it


Neat game. Really like the art. Core gameplay is solid but lacks a bit of depth. Everything just moves left and doesn't attack or move differently.

Some other things I noticed.
- It looks like coins aren't being used for anything,
- There is no limit on your vertical position so you can infinitely fall away from the screen.

- I found it very hard to die (maybe because I like hard games though)

Other than that. I think it's pretty solid for what it's doing, but I'd suggest trying to give more challenge to the player and make the player have more choices to make.

I'll be following this, because I really like procedural games like this. Hope to see some more improvements!

Hi Ichit
I published the game still under development just to get feedback like yours, soon there will be updates, your tips will be useful,
for the movement the game is deliberately like this, for the rest I will try to make it more difficult.
I already have a new game planned where the movement will be free